Unfortunately, Most of the photographs on page 1 are lost, page 2 is complete!
Reports are that the Parcours was again excellent this year. The quality of the art and level of presentation and exhibition was outstanding and in a number of cases challenged and exceeded museum presentations. Seven dealers, both European and American reported that the fair got off to a very slow start causing some concern. However, by the last day, sales had steadily accumulated and the fair was an overall success for most participating. That said, most dealers are notoriously secretive and aloof about discussing their sales. Getting an honest answer is a lot like trying to get somewhere in a hurry during rush hour traffic.
It appears that the European collectors are more resilient and steadfast than the Americans. Of course, the price to quality ratio must be in sync but European dealers tell me that the American collectors are still “mentally scared” from the financial meltdown. A gallery owner on rue Visconti tells me, “They’ve begun to travel again but they are mostly just looking since the Euro is high again. We need them to participate soon for the market to fully come back but that could be a long time.”
Alex Arthur and Thomas Murray (right)
Adrian Schlag
Michael Hamson

Sam Singer in Hamson’s Gallery
“GEMS” Exhibit
Ana and Antonio Casanovas
ALL who visited the Parcours were talking about this stunning exhibit. The high quality of the objects, presentation and yes “prices” aroused discussion.
Alain Guisson & Yannick Van Ruysevelt

Udo Horstmann (left) enjoying the limelight. Heinrich Schweizer (Sotheby’s) holding up a copy of the UK Apollo Magazine featuring Udo’s collection.
Yann Ferrandin Gallery
Yann Ferrandin featured a show called “Manimals”. The bold chartreuse color matched the cover of their catalog. This was a very successful show and many pieces were pre-sold.

Anthony Meyer with fury friend

Edith Flak, Charles Hourde’ with father Daniel Hourde’ (center) who reportedly just returned from a skydiving jump earlier that day

Collector/ dealer Colette Ghysels, Udo Horstmann and Didier Claes
Clive Loveless reading the cache sex menu. No actually “Ceremonial Cache-Sexes” is a beautiful new book by Andres & Vanessa Drake Moraga
San Francisco collector Alan Verela and wife jingling a couple of Cache Sexes from Clive Loveless

Joris Visser and Mom Herma
Lulu and Serge Schoffel
Renaud Vanuxem
Renaud Vanuxem, Nepalese figure
Vitrine of Galerie Schoffel- Valluet
Ondine Mestdagh coaxing visitors into the gallery
Patrick & Ondine Mestdagh
Patrick & Ondine Mestdagh
Patrick & Ondine Mestdagh

A rare photo, Two of my favorite Uk dealers Adam Prout (left), Douglas Barret (Right)
Rare photo! Collector Sir David Attenborough (second from left) and Mr. Tom Phillips and wife, editor of the 1995 Royal Academy book, “Africa: Art of a Continent”

Gallery Flak, A fine Fijian “Kinikini” chief’s club from the James Hooper Collection

Kevin Conru: Two large dramatic Solomon Island pieces, A “Fish Casket” and model (?) war canoe with figurehead

Kevin Conru: An early Solomon Island Female figure from New Georgia

Tom Murray’s new handsomely produced book “Masks of Fabled Lands”

Tom Murray

Tom Murray

Tom Murray, with a large Batak Pagar figure

Dalton Somare

Dalton Somare

Dalton Somare, Dogon figure

Chris Boylan

Chris Boylan

The Giltsoffs in relaxation mode




Pascassio Manfredi, Interior Cellar, Batak Pagar

Pascassio Manfredi, Timor Mask

Pascassio Manfredi, Pair of Flores Ancestor Posts

Voyageurs & Curieux, Jean-Edouard Carlier

Kirby Lewis (left) with Joris Visser

Joris Visser

Joris Visser with an Asmat Display

Joris Visser

Pecci, Dogon figures

Wayne Heathcote and Bruce Frank share a gallery on 35 rue Gue’ne’gaud

Bruce Frank

Interior, Wayne Heathcote and Bruce Frank

Wayne Heathcote, a masterful Vanuatu Ambrym Club

Wayne Heathcote, a rare Vanuatu Banks Island figure

Bruce Frank, Batak Horn

Wayne Heathcote

Wayne Heathcote

Serge Schoffel

Special Exhibition and vernissage

Carlo Bella, Pace Primitive Gallery New York

The Verela’s once again