General question

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General question

Post by DavidHollander2024 »

Hi there
I have a pretty large collection of Aboriginal artifacts, as well as some pieces from PNG. I have have an extensive book collection on aboriginal artifacts and culture, including some quite rare ones.
I am moving out of the country and must sell the entire collection but eBay does not seem viable. What do you think is the best route to selling these types of things?
Thanks in advance
A tribal hoarder in Texas

Posts: 56
Joined: Fri Nov 30, 2018 10:43 pm

Re: General question

Post by Julien »

Hi David, You could sell it to a dealer or go through an auction house … It really depends on what you have… auctions usually take about 10-25 off and add 20-30 on top so an item that hammers at 100 costs the buyer 130, and you end up with 80 (if its 30 on top 20 off) so auctions, although they can be good for price discovery… are also quite expensive unless you get special rates. It's also Important that you find the right auction house, selling at an auction that does not usually do tribal might really hurt you financially. You could send me some pictures via email ( admin at tribalartcollector com) and maybe i can steer you in the right direction. Cheers Julien
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