Metal African Couple

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Metal African Couple

Post by jrcmillett »

I have been given a small (6") metal sculpture of a couple. I am told it comes from Western Africa. I am not an expert by any means. I wonder if someone on this forum can tell me something about this piece. The material? Where it is from? Is there an individual and a group that is known to make this kind of figure? Thanks so much. I am new to this forum and hope to learn a lot from you all!
african couple 1.jpg
african couple 2.jpg

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Joined: Fri Nov 30, 2018 10:43 pm

Re: Metal African Couple

Post by Julien »

This a basically a moder made for market item, could be from anywhere (probably nigeria or Benin) but it has nothing to do with traditional African art.

As a decorative piece it look nice though!
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